Thursday, December 31, 2009

A whole lot of nothing

Wow, my first blog! How exciting. I feel tres trendy; I have a facebook, twitter, tumbler (though I have zero idea what it is exactly), and now, my very own blog! I love how they call all these things "social" networks. What is social about sitting alone at your computer on a Monday night? Not much, if you ask me. Instead of calling someone to ask how they are, I write on their wall. Instead of texting someone to see what they're up to, I read up on their latest tweet. And, thanks to this new fangled technological outlet, if anyone ever wants to know my obscure thoughts on a variety of subjects, they can check my blog instead of going through the hassle of asking me themselves. I am so happy to be a contributing member of the igeneration (sorry PC fans, but "the era of windows" doesn't quite roll of the tongue), working towards the death of face-to-face interaction as we know it.

So here I am, blogging away. You might be wondering how exactly I got entangled in this world wide web and why I decided to dig myself in deeper by starting a blog. Well, luckily I have something in the way of an excuse. Being the jet setting celebrity I am (or think I am anyway), I am headed off to Barcelona (Spain) for three weeks to dance it out at the disco tecas, purchase everyone fabulous post-Christmas presents, and kickin' it with the locals. Oh, and I guess occasionally I am suppose to go to class, but I don't really see that happening much. I probably should edit that out since, in all likely hood, the only people reading this are my parents (Hi Mom, Hi Dad), but laziness is next to Godliness (I'm pretty sure that's how it goes) and holding down the delete button is so tiring. Anyways, this blog was penned into existence in order to keep you all informed of my goings on whilst I'm abroad. There are many adventures to be had and I'm sure you will all be waiting with baited breathe for my next entry (or whatever the kids call these things).

The adventure begins January 2nd (2010) with my 14 hour trek across the globe. Thank goodness for laptops, ipods, and Blue Like Jazz, which I started reading but am now saving for either my 6 hour flight to NY, my 2 hour delay in JFK, or my 6 hour flight into Barcelona. So keep me in your prayers and I'll keep you posted!

Yours Truly,