Monday, August 15, 2011

This day in History...

        August 15th 1991 my life was forever changed. I wouldn't find out how important it was till years later, but nevertheless that day will remain a landmark in my life. What significance does that date hold, you ask? Well, you must not be friends with a one Miss Adriana Karina Rapazzini, because anyone who's held a five minute conversation with her can tell you August 15th 1991 is the day of her birth.

       Her tendency to trumpet the imminence of her birthday months before its arrival is just one of the many, many things I love about the girl I get to call my best friend. I love the fact that she always has a kind word to say about everyone, provided everyone is up to her dress code and make-up standards. When you receive a compliment from Adrian you know she really means it because she doesn't hand them out lightly. You find out rather quickly that she knows no social bounds, or rather, she knows them but chooses to be above them and will say to you what she wants regardless of how uncomfortable it might make you feel. She pulls off awkward with such confidence that you can't even call it awkward, it's just Adrian. Some accuse her of hogging the spotlight, but I know she would gladly give it up, if anyone were worthy to take it from her. She has the uncanny ability to draw the attention of the entire room to herself by simply being her beautiful self.

           Hearing cat calls and hollers as she walks through the streets of Berkeley or San Jose is normal background noise in the soundtrack of daily life for Adriana. But that just comes with the territory of being a vivacious, hair flipping, hip swirling vixen. A little known fact about Adrian: the song "Cyclone" was written about her (or so she often claims). Her beauty is only matched by her intellect, neither of which compare to her vanity. The opposite of self-deprecating humor, Adrian's witty sayings about herself make her one of the most quotable people I know.

          But these things just scratch the surface of what a wonderful person Adrian is. Fiercely loyal, a kind and generous soul, abounding patience (waiting for my text messages for hours, sometimes days), with a deeply caring heart, those who get to call themselves her friends count themselves lucky to have such an amazing person on their side.
           I know I do.


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