Friday, June 24, 2011

I think it's love

That's right people, I'm in love. 
London is an absolutely fantastically amazing city. Good luck trying to get me to come back to the states. 

(Where I plan to live when I move across the pond permanently)

Why in the heck did we ever separate from our mother country! Taxation without representation? Who cares! Most people can't name their states senators and representatives anyway, and being British is about the coolest thing ever.

Seriously, I love everything about it here. I spent the day exploring, getting on and off the tube, going nowhere in particular but ended up with some awesome adventures. Just to name a few happenings here in London...  

-Heard a tennis match at Wimbledon. (I didn't get to actually see the match thanks to a fence, wall of shrubbery, and lack of 60 pounds, but I could literally hear the players grunting!)
-Got my luggage carried up 2 flights of stairs for me (by a kindly old man in his 80's). 
- Was interviewed on camera by a British Online Publication called "Wink Ball". 
- Had tea with milk (and didn't hate! I felt very British.)
- On a scale from one to Lord of the Rings, I walked the latter. 

Highlight of the day: As I aimlessly walked through the streets of Wimbledon, I saw a guy in his early twenties walking towards me. He had blonde hair, blue eyes, hipster looking glasses, a long sleeve shirt with a wool vest, and was carrying a massive bouquet of flowers. He was basically the quintessential British boy and everything I've ever wanted. I thought about pulling out my camera to take a picture but decided that I didn't want to look like a tourist and/or ruin my chances of him falling in love with me. So I kept my cool, but as he passed he stopped me and said (in his adorable British voice), "Excuse me Miss, do you happen to know where St. Mary's Church is?" He mistook me for a local!!!!! Even if he had been a hundred year old woman the fact that I was being mistaken for a Brit was beyond thrilling (and the fact that he was a good looking 20 something was just icing on the cake). BUT the best part of it all? I knew where St. Mary's Church was!!! I had just been there myself, poking around. So I gave him directions ("Up two streets then at the roundabout turn right and it's a little ways down on your right") and walked away feeling more patriotic for my mother country than ever. 

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