Saturday, January 9, 2010

Holy Toledo!

Remember when “Hey Ya” was the it jam to get your grove on to? Well, last night I learned that in Spain they’re still shaking it like a Polaroid picture (more proof they are my kind of people).
I am back in my old stomping grounds, Madrid! No offense to Barcelona, but Madrid is kinda my favorite. And I was so incredibly proud of myself because I remembered how to get to the Plaza Mayor (where many of your presents were purchased) all by myself with no map or anything! It was awesome. I’m practically a native (expect for the whole not speaking the language thing).
We somehow got hooked up with a group of college kids from Chicago who are studying abroad in Madrid; they have already been here for a semester so they knew all the local watering holes. They took us to a super authentic flamenco show and then off to the discotecas we went (where they were cranking some Outkast tunes fo sho)!
While I might have a slight preference for Madrid, the food situation is about as dire as was in Barcelona. Twice since we’ve been here I’ve had hot chocolate for dinner. And when I say hot chocolate I don’t mean as a drink on the side, but my entire meal.
HOWEVER (I put it caps to show you how excited I am about this next thing) everything changed today when we went to Toledo. Now, if you had sat me down and asked me what was the one thing I wanted to eat most if I could have anything in the world (aside from café 222…Or Sonoma chicken coup…Or Jamba…Ok, anything within reason) I would have said a turkey sandwich. All you Americans might think this is a simple request, but in Spain turkey eaters are persecuted, laughed at, and in the 16th century they were even stoned for their love of the bird (pretty sure that’s historically accurate). But I have learned that Toledans are a tolerate, kind people and when we went to lunch today I saw my favorite new word, PAVO (turkey en Espanol) and nearly burst into tears right on the spot. It was the most glorious sandwich I’ve ever eaten. And we ate lunch in a beautiful castle thing (though I only had eyes for the turkey) so it was extra exciting. Quite possibly the highlight of the trip so far (until I find another sandwich).
Wow, I just spent the last two paragraphs talking about the sandwich. And the sad thing is I could go on for two more.
Well I would give you details about all the cool cites we saw, the Cathedral in Toledo (Google it, it’s gorgeous), the Prado, the palace, etc. etc. but I need to get ready to go out and have more adventures so I can blog them to you all! If I don’t, the Cabrera family will have nothing to bond over (I am the glue that’s holding them together, or so I’m told).  We head back to Barcelona tomorrow (sad day) so pray for safe travels and I’ll update again asap!
Mucho Amor,

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