Thursday, January 21, 2010

Futbol, Fartons, and Filipinos

What have been up to since I last blogged? Well, this entries title encapsulates much of it. Sorry it's been a few days since I last posted, us Bullers have been busy!

Bo and I watched along with 80,000 of our closest friends as FCB (Barcelona's soccer team) beat Sevilla 4-0 in a nail biting game of futbol. While four to zip might sound like a boring blowout, you should know that the score was 1-0 for the majority of the game. With 5 minutes left on the clock I turned to Bo and told him I thought Messi (Mr. Popular on FCB) was overrated; he hadn't had any major plays thus far. Almost instantly after I said that, the soccer super star scored 2 goals in 3 minutes. I like to think my words spurned him to greatness.

The next day we went exploring the lesser known parts of Barcelona in attempts to get a real feel for the city (aka we got lost). We went to Gaudi park (which was amazing) and then we happened upon a minor league futbol game in a decent sized stadium with about 1,000 people there. It was definitely an authentic, down and dirty game (in the rain) with all the locals shouting some Spanish words my professors have yet to teach me in class. From there, we metro-ed it to Las Rambles where we enjoyed beer and a burger for only 5 euros (well, I enjoyed my burger beer-less) at an English speaking pub (amen!). Overall, awesome day. I very much enjoy having a fellow Buller to traps around Europe with.

Yesterday, Bo and I took advantage of a semi-sunny day and went out on an exploring expedition once again. We decided to culture ourselves and went to the Museo National de Catalan. Yes, the eldest of the Buller cousins (willingly) paid 5 euros to look at art. We definitely deserve to move up to the grown up table next Thanksgiving.

For all you 10 year old's reading this (or those with the maturity level of one), I'm sure you let out a little giggle at the site of the word "fart-on". But if ever you come across these deliscious delicatesans (yes, you eat fartons) you are hereby ordered to buy them for immediate consumtion (and pick me up some while you're at it, finder's fee and all). Now I must give credit to Bo on this one, he was the one who picked them up for us to try in attempts to broaden both our horizons. That's what inspired me to pick up a pack of "Filipinos" in the market (they were on sale for 1 euro), and they turned out to be amazing (chocolate covered short bread cookies).

Well, I'm off to my LAST Spanish class! Oh, and by the way, 91% on my last test! In case you were wondering (Mom).

Just figured out that this is my Penultimate blog in Espana, sad day!

Mucho Amor,

1 comment:

  1. EEEK i feel special I was mentioned :D miss u!

    Claire <3
