Monday, January 4, 2010

The Rain in Spain

So I have it on good authority that the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. Well, no one informed me that Barcelona was on "the plain", because it is most definitely raining here.

I really wish I had some witty, entertaining comments for you all, but my mind is all kinds of hazy right now. The only reason I am updating is so Alexa can get her morning news. And I figure since she and Christina are the only 2 non family members reading this, I really should cater to them.

Anyway, I wish America was more like Spain. First, the metro is awesome; it's like disneyland everyday. Second, there is designated nap time. In the US that stops in Kindergarden. No more I say, when I return to the US I am going to refuse to be productive between the hours of 12 and 2. Third, dinner is at 9 at night, which means the "early" bird specials are from 6-8. Crazzziness. Fourthly, when you arrive to said dinner you are priveleged to consume my new favorite food, tapas! Like a little plate of heaven. Now, that may only be because it was the first real thing I've eaten in almost 2 days but that brings me to point number 5... built in healthy-go! You eat a little plate of tapas and walk 80 miles a day and BAM your jeans are looser. It's wonderful.

Ok, I am realizing that this is not a very interesting letter to anyone who isn't me. This letter has been considerably self indulgent. Hopefully I will be feeling more selfless and informative tomorrow.

And let's hope the rain stops too. That'd be nice.

Mucho amor!

1 comment:

  1. And you're totally documenting all of the Gaudi buildings you see and doing the appropriate research, right??
