Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Punch of Pizzaz

As I sit here and am serenaded by the sounds of Bo Buller's siesta (yes, he arrived alive), I am overjoyed to inform you that I now have a way to upload pictures! Bo, wonderful cousin that he is, brought his camera cord with him and was so kind as to lend it to me. I'll put up all my photos on facebook once I get back, but for now I thought I'd give you a little visual taste of my excellent adventures in Espana!

Definitely Olsen Movie Status...

Three Kings Festival
(Spanish Equivalent of Macy's Thanksgiving day parade)

Holy Toledo!

One of my roommate's (Natalie) and I at
La Sagrada Familia

And one of the most awesome sunsets ever
captured, watched a top a castle...

Well I think Bo is starting to stir, tonight we're headed to the FCB futbol game! Definitely a life experience waiting to be had.

Mucho Amor,

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